Screen print on flat surfaces or durable signs with digital prints
The method is used for marking signs, panels and directly on customer material and is suitable for both long and short series, variable text and logos. All sign and decal materials can be screen-printed with us. Screen printing is mainly used on flat surfaces where requirements are set for color and quality.
Screen printing
In screen printing, you can press one color at a time, but by pushing new coat of paint on the same material, the final image have infinitely many colors.
Screen printing is used primarily for marking on flat surfaces. Virtually all materials can be screen printed.
Digital printing
With digital printing, we write directly onto the desired material. We digital printing with eco-solvent, UV and latex. Most often protected information carrier for better UV-protection and wear ability.
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Laser Engraving

Screen and Digital printing
Need help with your order?
Think about where and on which surface your information carriers should be positioned before ordering. Contact us for more information or visit our help pages where you get tips and advice on materials and surfaces.
Contact us
+46 (0)13-31 64 00
Box 1045
SE-581 10 Linköping, Sweden
Torvingegatan 3
SE-582 78 Linköping, Sweden
© AB Svenska Maskinskyltfabriken 2019